Event Details
As a member of the Sweden-India Business Council, we would like to invite you to our 18th Annual General Meeting, which will be in English.
We will provide you with a brief on how 2020 proceeded which will included our challenges but mostly our successes. We continue our journey to be a highly active organisation, working closely with our members.
Below, you will find the notice to attend the meeting with the agenda only. In the email version you will find the Board Election Committees' proposal.
(Text below in Swedish I English)
Kallelse till online ÄrsstÀmma i Sweden-India Business Council den 21 april 2021 | Notice to attend the online Annual
Annual General Meeting of the Sweden-India Business Council on 21 April, 2021
Plattform I Platform: Teams
Tidpunkt I Time: 15.00 â 16.00 CET I 18.30 - 19.30 IST
Förslag till dagordning I Proposed Agenda
1. Val av ordförande pÄ stÀmman
Election of Chairman of the Meeting
2. UpprÀttande och godkÀnnande av röstlÀngd
Preparation and approval of the voting list
3. Val av en eller tvÄ justeringsmÀn och en protokollförare
Election of one or two people to verify the minutes and one person to hold the minutes.
4. Prövning av om stÀmman blivit behörigen sammankallad
Determination of whether the Meeting has been duly convened
5. FramlÀggande av Ärsredovisning och revisionsberÀttelse
Presentation of the Annual Report and the Auditor's Report
6. Beslut om
Resolution regarding
(a.) faststÀllelse av resultatrÀkningen och balansrÀkningen
adoption of the profit and loss statement and the Balance Sheet
(b.) disposition betrÀffande föreningens vinst eller förlust enligt den faststÀllda balansrÀkningen
disposition of the associationÂŽs profit or loss according to the adopted Balance Sheet
(c.)ansvarsfrihet Ät styrelseledamöter och generalsekreteraren
discharge from liability of the members of the Board of Directors and the Secretary General
7. FaststÀllande av antalet styrelseledamöter samt faststÀllande av arvoden till styrelsen och revisorerna
Determination of the number of members of the Board of Directors and determination of the
remuneration to be paid to the members of the Board of Directors and Auditors
8. Val av styrelseledamöter och revisorer Valberedningens förslag Àr bilagt.
Election of members of the Board of Directors and Auditors. The proposal from the election committee is enclosed.
9. Ăndring av stadgar.
Artikel 6, 1:a stycket föreslÄs lyda "Styrelsen ska bestÄ av minst 10 och högst 16 ledamöter. Ledamöterna vÀljs pÄ 2 Är. HÀlften av ledamöterna vÀljs Är 1 och resterande hÀlften av ledamöterna Är 2."
Nuvarande lydelse:
"Styrelsen ska bestÄ av minst 10 och högst 16 ledamöter. Svenskt NÀringsliv, Business Sweden (f.d. ExportrÄdet) och Svensk
Handel har rĂ€tt att utse varsin ledamot i styrelsen. Ăvriga styrelseledamöter vĂ€ljs av föreningsstĂ€mman."
Notera att ett beslut om Àndring av stadgarna krÀver 2/3 av de röstande pÄ stÀmman.
Amendment to the Articles of Association.
Article 6, first paragraph is proposed to read as follows: "The Board shall consist of at least 10 and maximum 16 members. The term for the members are two years. Half of the numbers of members are elected Year 1 and the remaining are elected in Year 2."
The current text reads as follows:
The board shall consist of at least 10 and maximum 16 members. The Confederation of Swedish Trade, Business Sweden (Former
Swedish Trade Council) and The Swedish Trade Federation have the right to appoint one member each to the board. Other board
members are appointed by the general meeting.
Please note that a resolution on an amendment of the Articles requires 2/3 of the votes of present members.
1.StÀmmans avslutande
Closing of the Meeting