Event Details

As a member of the Sweden-India Business Council, we would like to invite you to our 18th Annual General Meeting, which will be in English.

We will provide you with a brief on how 2020 proceeded which will included our challenges but mostly our successes. We continue our journey to be a highly active organisation, working closely with our members.

Below, you will find the notice to attend the meeting with the agenda only. In the email version you will find the Board Election Committees' proposal.

(Text below in Swedish I English)

Kallelse till online ÄrsstÀmma i Sweden-India Business Council den 21 april 2021 | Notice to attend the online Annual

Annual General Meeting of the Sweden-India Business Council on 21 April, 2021

Plattform I Platform: Teams

Tidpunkt I Time: 15.00 – 16.00 CET I 18.30 - 19.30 IST

Förslag till dagordning I Proposed Agenda

1. Val av ordförande pÄ stÀmman

Election of Chairman of the Meeting

2. UpprÀttande och godkÀnnande av röstlÀngd

Preparation and approval of the voting list

3. Val av en eller tvÄ justeringsmÀn och en protokollförare

Election of one or two people to verify the minutes and one person to hold the minutes.

4. Prövning av om stÀmman blivit behörigen sammankallad

Determination of whether the Meeting has been duly convened

5. FramlÀggande av Ärsredovisning och revisionsberÀttelse

Presentation of the Annual Report and the Auditor's Report

6. Beslut om

Resolution regarding

(a.) faststÀllelse av resultatrÀkningen och balansrÀkningen

adoption of the profit and loss statement and the Balance Sheet

(b.) disposition betrÀffande föreningens vinst eller förlust enligt den faststÀllda balansrÀkningen

disposition of the associationÂŽs profit or loss according to the adopted Balance Sheet

(c.)ansvarsfrihet Ät styrelseledamöter och generalsekreteraren

discharge from liability of the members of the Board of Directors and the Secretary General

7. FaststÀllande av antalet styrelseledamöter samt faststÀllande av arvoden till styrelsen och revisorerna

Determination of the number of members of the Board of Directors and determination of the

remuneration to be paid to the members of the Board of Directors and Auditors

8. Val av styrelseledamöter och revisorer Valberedningens förslag Àr bilagt.

Election of members of the Board of Directors and Auditors. The proposal from the election committee is enclosed.

9. Ändring av stadgar.

Artikel 6, 1:a stycket föreslÄs lyda "Styrelsen ska bestÄ av minst 10 och högst 16 ledamöter. Ledamöterna vÀljs pÄ 2 Är. HÀlften av ledamöterna vÀljs Är 1 och resterande hÀlften av ledamöterna Är 2."

Nuvarande lydelse:

"Styrelsen ska bestÄ av minst 10 och högst 16 ledamöter. Svenskt NÀringsliv, Business Sweden (f.d. ExportrÄdet) och Svensk

Handel har rĂ€tt att utse varsin ledamot i styrelsen. Övriga styrelseledamöter vĂ€ljs av föreningsstĂ€mman."

Notera att ett beslut om Àndring av stadgarna krÀver 2/3 av de röstande pÄ stÀmman.

Amendment to the Articles of Association.

Article 6, first paragraph is proposed to read as follows: "The Board shall consist of at least 10 and maximum 16 members. The term for the members are two years. Half of the numbers of members are elected Year 1 and the remaining are elected in Year 2."

The current text reads as follows:

The board shall consist of at least 10 and maximum 16 members. The Confederation of Swedish Trade, Business Sweden (Former

Swedish Trade Council) and The Swedish Trade Federation have the right to appoint one member each to the board. Other board

members are appointed by the general meeting.

Please note that a resolution on an amendment of the Articles requires 2/3 of the votes of present members.

1.StÀmmans avslutande

Closing of the Meeting


  • HĂ„kan Kingstedt (Chairman at Sweden-India Business Council)

    Håkan Kingstedt

    Chairman at Sweden-India Business Council


    Håkan Kingstedt is today the Chairman of Sweden-India Business Council, Chairman Movexum Swedish leading business incubator, Director of SME companies. Senior Advisor, Monemus AB. Partner KIGO Consultants & Advisors.

    Former Vice Chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce India, Former member of CII Western Regional Council. Strong profile in leadership, strategic analyses and execution. Chairperson, board member with experience from Asia and Europe.

    He is also a frequent speaker at business forums, leadership classes, Chambers of Commerce forums, other company boards and also acts as a coach for Managing Directors.

    Mr. Kingstedt is Technician/Engineer with wide experience in diverse areas including Corporate Management, Manufacturing, Quality, Project management and Human Resource Development in globalized markets. Entrepreunership, Working with different cultures in operational and M&A processes. Working in complex matric structures.

    Mr. Kingstedt used to be the President of Sandvik Asia Ltd. Basedn in Pune, India, which he brought to an approximate turnover of 500 MUSD, including 5 production sites, 4 design/engineering centers, R&D, IT, sales and service. Mr. Kingstedt spent a total of 7 years India.

    Previously he was the Global Vice President Human Resources, Sandvik Mining and Construction for 6 years in Sweden.He has also worked as Personnel Manager, Stora Kopparberg Sweden.Production Engineer, Stora Kopparberg Sweden.Quality manager, Stora Kopparberg Sweden.

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  • Arati Davis (Senior Vice President at Sweden-India Business Council)

    Arati Davis

    Senior Vice President at Sweden-India Business Council


    Arati Davis works primarily with SITIS - Sweden India Transport Innovation Safety partnership where SIBC is the secretariat.

    Arati started working with environment and natural resources in 2000, in the US, and she has had over a decade’s experience of working with sustainable development in the Sweden – India context; working first with Sida’s energy portfolio, and subsequently with the Embassy of Sweden, New Delhi’s Environment Office.

    She has worked intensely with e-mobility within the Sweden India corridor and is the author of the report "Electromobility and India, Opportunities for Engagement"

    Arati is also the India Country Manager of Recap and sits on the board of URBS (Urban Systems) and Pratham Sweden.

    Arati holds a MSc. in Natural Resource Management from SOAS, University of London and a B.A. in International Political Economy from Swarthmore College, PA, USA and the London School of Economics.

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  • Cecilia Oldne (Senior Vice President at Sweden-India Business Council)

    Cecilia Oldne

    Senior Vice President at Sweden-India Business Council


    She is Sweden-India Business Council’s India representative and Brand Ambassador and Head of Communication. SIBC is one of the world’s most active country to country networks and the first choice network in the Sweden and India corridor. SIBC is also the secretary for Sweden India Business Leaders’ Roundtable, co-chaired by Marcus Wallenberg and Baba Kalyani.

    She is of Swedish origin but based in Mumbai since 2007. Cecilia has played a significant role in sparking the Indian Wine Revolution, placing India on the world wine map. She has played an instrumental role in the Sula Vineyards success story - India’s largest wine producer with 65% market share, exporting to 30 countries and a winery with 400,000 visitors last year. She is today shareholder in Sula.

    Cecilia is Amphora Portfolio Management’s Managing Director South East Asia and The Nordics and very first Ambassador. Amphora is a leading fine wine investment firm and a team of fine wine experts with sparkling financial markets backgrounds. Cecilia builds and manages bespoke fine wine portfolios for collectors, investors and wine enthusiasts. The company is also in the midst of setting up a fine wine fund.

    Cecilia was recently appointed a Fashion Revolution Ambassador - working towards a safer, fairer, cleaner and more transparent clothing industry with positive outcomes for both people and the planet. She is also instrumental in the opening of Soho House Mumbai - Asia’s first Soho House.

    She also help raise capital to people and companies she believes in - from Broadcast Media, Life Science to Diamonds.

    Cecilia is experienced in the boardroom and a Professional Independent Women Director. She is open to additional Board of Director and Advisory Board roles.

    Cecilia also co-founded Asian Wine Producers Association - to support Asian wineries in their set-up, growth and expansion.

    She is also a Mentor at Girls Club Capital in NYC. With GCC’s founder Ashmoret Mishal Girls Club Capital connects female entrepreneurs with accredited investors. The aim is to strategically fund, accelerate and provide business lift as companies launch and expand their product/service in the market.

    Google ‘Cecilia Oldne’ for more!

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  • Robin Sukhia (Secretary General and President at Sweden-India Business Council)

    Robin Sukhia

    Secretary General and President at Sweden-India Business Council


    Robin Sukhia has worked with India since 1996. Through a Swedish Venture Capital firm he was one of the pioneers in northern Europe to invest into India. He has held board positions in India and Sweden and since 2005, holds the position of Secretary General and President of the Sweden-India Business Council (SIBC). In 2016 SIBC and Mr. Sukhia was appointed by the Wallenberg Foundation to be the Secretariat to ISBLRT – India Sweden Business Leaders’ Roundtable, which lies under the aegis of the Swedish and Indian Prime Ministers. ISBLRT consists of owners, chairmen and CEOs only, of the 30 largest companies in Sweden.

    Robin advices companies and government institutions in their India related work.

    He sits on the board of Scandinavian ChemoTech (Publ.) and has also been the Global Business Development Advisor at Risk Mitigation firm Vesper Group.

    Mr. Sukhia holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the State University of New York and has briefly studied at Uppsala

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